How to alter your secondary files to carry a second primary weapon. Here is what I did to add a few primary weapons to my secondary list. Remember to save the original files to a floppy disk so you have it in case you mess up and need to replace the original file. Open the files as a text file if you haven't had them open before. First open the kitrestrictions text file and pick what weapons you want to use as a second primary weapon. copy them to the bottom of the secondary weapons file list just as they are. You may have to change the properties of the file from read only so you can save it. Save your changes then recheck the read only box if you had to uncheck it. Next change the properties of the secondary files so you can save your changes then open the file. Also open the primary weapons file so you can copy the weapon(s) you want into the secondary files. Copy and paste from the primary file to the seconday file the weapons you chose in your kitrestriction files to the same place you put them in the seconday weapons list. You must copy the whole weapons file or it will not be of use for you. You must also change the number of secondary weapons at the top of the file or your new weapons will not show up. examples: 9 // Number of Weapons add to this number to how many weapons you are adding. If you chose to add 2 primary weapons change this number to 11. // 10 "ST_EQP_M16A2" "pw_m16.txt" // Description Filename "m16.bmp" // Picture Filename 1 // Number of Frames "pw_m16.wpn" // Weapon Filename 20 // Number of Magazines 0 // Game Type (0=All, 1=SP, 2=MP) 2 // Number of Ammo Types "556x45(FMJ).amo" // Ammo Type Filename "556x45(JHP).amo" // Ammo Type Filename This is how your added weapon should look like when you are finished pasting the weapon files. You have to add the number above the added weapon so it is recognized. This is how your kitrestrictions file should look like: [SECONDARY_GUNS] none.wpn 1 sw_9mm.wpn 1 sw_9mmsd.wpn 1 sw_40.wpn 1 sw_40sd.wpn 1 sw_45.wpn 1 sw_45sd.wpn 1 sw_50.wpn 1 sw_de357.wpn 1 pw_ump45sd.wpn 1 pw_m16.wpn 1 If you have any questions you can email me at: (remove _nospam to email me) REMEMBER: SAVE the original files to a floppy disk before you start to save you the hassle of reinstalling the games.